Hey Founders – Here’s How to Take a Hint From Investors
How many follow up emails should I be sending prospective investors? How do I toe the line between being consistent...
How many follow up emails should I be sending prospective investors? How do I toe the line between being consistent...
I'm meeting with lots of investors and I can't seem to get a straight answer on where they stand. I'm...
How does someone "grow" in an organization that may never surpass a dozen people? My team wants is always comparing...
Why are we perfectly comfortable using money as the metric for startup success at the expense of pretty much every...
Why do we talk about how big our startups could be before we talk about how likely we are to...
How does my reputation as a Founder (not my startup) affect me over the long term? If my reputation is...
Is this you - "I'm thinking about raising capital but I don't know where to start. How do I start...
I saw someone in your social network that I'd love to get an introduction to. How can I make that...
A Founder that doesn't understand startup finance is a liability to the company.
As Founders, we spend an inordinate amount of time setting and pursuing goals, yet the ones that truly matter —...
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